Pilates for Equestrians
Cross-training with Pilates is beneficial for any sport, but riders use their core in a way that is unique. Pilates focuses on core stabilization which allows you to absorb the movement of the horse, deepen your seat and improve your posture on and off the horse.
Our posture off the horse, is mirrored on the horse. This posture, along with our mobility, strength, flexibility & balance can enhance or hinder our riding.
"The horse cannot go better than the rider will allow" -Charles de Kunffy
As equestrians, we need:
- balance, coordination & endurance
- balanced amounts of strength & flexibility
- an aligned shoulder girdle, spine & pelvis
- a dynamically stabilized core
Dynamic stabilization of the core supports the spine and allows the arms/legs to move independently giving the rider an independent seat.
Pilates can:
- strengthen, stretch and mobilize the body
- enhances body awareness, focus & control
- re-educates the way we move, improving postural asymmetries and muscular imbalances
For a successful partnership with our horse we need to develop the athleticism, suppleness & balance we ask of them.